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John Bowlby’s attachment theory is a groundbreaking concept that has revolutionised our understanding of human relationships. Bowlby’s theory suggests that the bond between a child and their primary caregiver is crucial for their emotional and social development. He believed that this bond, which he called the “attachment bond,” is formed in the first few years of life and has a significant impact on an individual’s future relationships and overall well-being. According to Bowlby, a secure attachment bond provides a sense of safety and security for a child, allowing them to explore and learn about the world around them. This secure attachment also serves as a foundation for healthy relationships later in life, as individuals who have experienced a secure attachment bond are more likely to have trusting and fulfilling relationships with others. On the other hand, a lack of a secure attachment bond can lead to attachment issues and difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships. Bowlby’s attachment theory has been supported by numerous studies and has been widely accepted by psychologists and researchers. It has also been applied in various fields, such as child development, parenting, and therapy. Understanding the importance of the attachment bond can help us create a nurturing and supportive environment for children, promoting their emotional and social well-being.